Teen Programs

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As the young spend less and less of their lives in natural surroundings, their senses narrow, and this reduces the richness of the human experience.

- Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder
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Combatting Nature-Deficit Disorder

Nature Deficit Disorder is characterized by a collection of mental health and physical symptoms that are caused or made worse by lack of time outdoors. These include anxiety, depression, ADHD, myopia, obesity, and other conditions. Many teens feel they are addicted to their smart phones, and this only furthers their poor mental health status.

Teens at White Pine, however, get between 4-28 hours a week in nature, depending on their involvement. This unplugged time in nature has been shown to regulate mood disturbance and nervous system arousal caused by too much time in front of screens. Our White Pine teens are renewing their mental energy, strengthening their self-care abilities, learning more about themselves and others, and building strong connections to community, not to mention having a ton of fun outside.

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Teen Programs at White Pine

White Pine’s Teen Programs are an immersive experience in our Shikari Wilderness System.

Our teens:

  • Get physical
  • Enjoy risky play
  • Overcome challenges
  • Take the reins on their own interests
  • Discover creative outlets for emotional health
  • Teach and share what they know
  • Make deep friendships
  • Find their place in community

Pick the program that best suits your teen and witness their positive transformation, as we have since 2014.

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What is your Teen interested in?


  • Mentoring
    • Our Fire Keepers are our young leaders, helping instructors during forest school class, and gaining confidence and purpose.
  • Skills-Building
    • Our Teens Forest School is an excellent homeschool enrichment, and explores our Rocky Ripple campus and the surrounding forested areas while making new friends and building skills in pathways of your interest.
    • Our Teens After-School Shikari Sessions, held at our Rocky Ripple campus, are the perfect way to unwind from a long day, playing games, connecting with nature and learning skills in specific pathways of your interest.
  • Overnight Adventures
    • Our Overnights are held periodically throughout the year on the White Pine campus, and are open to all experience levels. They’re a fun way to really get a concentrated dose of nature and wilderness skills building, while making friends and sleeping under the stars.