Yes! White Pine’s classes are completely nature-based and take place outside in all weather conditions, except severe weather (see our Health & Safety Protocols in the Family Guidebook).
Part of a full outdoor education experience is learning how to stay comfortable in all weather. This teaches resiliency and shows our children that we can find joy even in stormy circumstances. Preparing for inclement weather helps children to learn the importance of planning ahead, identifying appropriate gear, and developing a back-up plan (change of clothes). We teach our students ways to stay comfortable, like proper fire building techniques, staying hydrated, creating shelter, and so much more. We always keep an eye on how our students are doing with the weather throughout class and make sure to model how to listen to our bodies.
We believe that “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear!” In other words, with the appropriate clothing, accessories and planning, students will have little issue with the weather.